Winter Sheep Ranching in Cazadero Mountains: Embracing Nature's Shelter for Icelandic Sheep

Welcome to the Cazadero Mountains, where the partnership between Icelandic Sheep and the rugged beauty of nature intertwines amidst heavy rains and fierce winds. As winter lands upon our ranch near the Sonoma coast, my commitment to raising Icelandic Sheep on rangeland through natural means becomes even more vital
Cazadero's Unique Winter Climate:
In this scenic mountainous terrain, our sheep encounter the full force of California's winter elements. The heavy rains, often accompanied by high winds, present a tough challenge. However, my flock of shee thrives in this environment, utilizing nature as their primary shelter and with their thick two-layered wool for protection from the elements.
The Icelandic Sheep's Resilience:
Icelandic Sheep are renowned for their adaptability and hardiness in harsh winter climates. Embracing a range-raised approach, my flock relies on the natural landscape for shelter, exhibiting a remarkable ability to withstand the elements while grazing freely in their environment.
Adapting to Nature's Rhythms:
My ranching practices align closely with nature's rhythms in such an environment. As the rains and winds intensify, my sheep instinctively seek shelter in natural formations (trees, bushes, and rocks), showcasing their innate ability to navigate and utilize the terrain for protection.
Challenges and Solutions:
Navigating through heavy rains and high winds with 100% humidity presents unique challenges. Ensuring the safety and well-being of my flock amidst such weather conditions demands attentiveness. My approach involves monitoring the herd closely while allowing them the freedom to utilize the landscape for their shelter needs. The flock faces down trees, pelting wind, and rain that can sometimes affect older and younger ewes. Sometimes, the older/younger sheep might get too cold, so I pen them up in a warm area before I send them back out.
Preserving the Range-Raised Tradition:
The range-raised method embraces my values of allowing the sheep to thrive within their natural habitat. This practice maintains the realism of how sheep naturally exist and contributes to their robust health and strength.
As the winter storms sweep through the Cazadero Mountains, my sheep continue to represent the resilience and adaptability innate to their breed. Utilizing the natural landscape as their haven, my flock thrives, displaying the harmony between ranching and nature.
Sally Armstrong —
I would love to draw and do a pastel painting of lamb, sheep or piglets. I’m in Paradise and have been in Chico at the peddlers closet where I saw photos of your ranch.