Wild Things Ranch Icelandic Sheep

Visually stunning, but there’s more behind their beautiful fleeces and wild eyes.
One exciting characteristic of Icelandic sheep (my favorite trait) is their independent nature. They don't tend to flock together, and each sheep has its distinct personality, with some being friendly and curious, while others are more cautious.
Besides their fantastic grazing capabilities and long lineage, they are visually stunning creatures. I'm sure glad to have them on the ranch.
A hardy and independent breed with Viking Roots Icelandic sheep are a unique breed that traces its lineage back to the 9th and 10th century when Vikings brought them over to Iceland. These animals have impressive qualities, including their hardiness, disease resistance, and grazing capabilities, which make them a valuable asset to my ranch. Thanks to their large rumens, they can efficiently consume large amounts of forage and are presently used to control invasive plant species on the ranch.

Besides their fantastic grazing capabilities and long lineage, they are visually stunning creatures. I'm sure glad to have them on the ranch.