Welcome To My Corner Of The World!

Greetings! It's been ages since I have made an introductory post. If you have the time to read about Wild Things Ranch and leave a comment saying hello, that would be much appreciated 🤗
Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Charity, and I often stumble through life with my wild hair, surrounded by my loving family.
I didn’t grow up in a concrete world. I spent my childhood on a 2500-acre ranch, learning the ways of being a cowboy and the principles of ecology. I found working with livestock fascinating and had dreams of one day running a farm - though I wasn't sure which path to take.Â
I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and from all experiences we gain something whether it be good or bad. It took me many years to decide to pursue a career in the AG industry, but here I am - thirty-one years old and living my dream thanks in part to the sacrifice of my husband Sam and son Tristan (who surprisingly love spending their weekends with me).
Three years ago, I had no idea which way my life was going to take me. This year, it's become clear—I want to show what it takes to get to where you want to be, and share from the heart the things that make me feel joyous, sorrowful or angry.
I'm not content with just living on the land; I'm determined to leave it better than when I first set foot on it. My husband and I have chosen Kunekune pigs and Icelandic sheep for our farm, which we keep in rotationally grazed pens. Despite it being a learning experience - especially with the pigs - we're both proud of providing our family and community with meat grown sustainably.
I'm more than a farmHER; I am a mother, a wife and an artist determined to remain true to myself. My hair is wild and my boots are well-worn. I love sunrises over sunsets and Spring above summertime; I am who I am and I openly accept that about myself.
Thankyou for your support - for myself, my family, and my business. Please follow us on our journey!